
Kentucky Creeks

Welcome to Kentucky Creeks.  dedicated to the beauty, diversity, and conservation of the waterways within Kentucky.

Contact Me:
If you have questions concerning Kentucky native fish, I first suggest that you visit NANFA, register for the discussion forum and ask the experts.  However, if you would like to contact me directly, feel free to email me @

You can also visit KY Creeks on:

Here are some links and contact information of organizations and groups that are dedication to native fish and preservation of water and Kentucky resources.

North American Native Fishes Association (NANFA) – & NANFA on Facebook

  • to increase and disseminate knowledge about North America's native fishes and their habitats among aquarium hobbyists, biologists, fish and wildlife officials, anglers, educators, students, and others, through publications, electronic media, regional and national meetings, and other means
  • to promote the conservation of native fishes and the protection/ restoration of natural habitats;
  • ​to advance the captive husbandry of North America's native fishes for the educational, scientific, and conservation benefits it affords:

Education. Captive husbandry of fishes acquaints people with organisms they might otherwise never see alive or know existed, and affords people an opportunity to witness and appreciate their behaviors (feeding, breeding, parental care, etc.). Such acquaintance is a vital step in fostering environmental awareness and promoting a conservation ethic.

Scientific Knowledge. Studying and documenting the captive husbandry of North American fishes can provide information about a species' life history that is otherwise lacking in the scientific record, or difficult to study under natural conditions.

ConservationThe captive propagation of native fishes can play a key role in conservation efforts by several means:

  • ​by providing crucial life history information about a species before it becomes endangered;
  • ​by providing aquarium-reared specimens for restocking efforts;
  • ​ by serving as a "last-ditch" safeguard against the extinction of a species in the wild; and
  • ​ by the legal maintenance of species already extinct in the wild.
  • ​ to encourage and defend the legal and environmentally responsible collection of native fishes for private aquaria as a valid use of a natural resource;
  • ​  to provide a forum for fellowship and camaraderie among individuals who share a common interest in the diversity, biology, captive husbandry, and conservation of North America's native fishes.

Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) - & KWA on FAcebook

  • Kentucky Waterways Alliance envisions healthy waterways throughout Kentucky. We strive to achieve the best protections possible from water pollution in our communities and work toward a healthier future for all. We are an advocate for healthy waterways and communities

​Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KWFWR) - & KDFWR on Facebook

  • To conserve and enhance fish and wildlife resources and provide opportunity for hunting, fishing, trapping, boating and other wildlife related activities.

Kentucky State Nature Perserves Commision - & KSNPC on Facebook

  • The Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission (KSNPC) participates in an international network of programs that monitor biodiversity. The 1976 Kentucky legislature created the commission to protect the best remaining natural areas in the state, not only to preserve our natural heritage, but also in recognition of the dependence of our well-being on healthy ecosystems.

The Nature Conservancy of Kentucky - KY TNC Online & TNC on FAcebook

  • Since opening its doors in Kentucky in 1975, The Nature Conservancy of Kentucky has protected almost 45,000 acres of diverse habitat throughout the state, including more than 8,000 acres by direct ownership and 6,500 acres by conservation easements.  During this time, we also conserved more than 100.00 acres of additional lands and waters throughout the Commonwealth in partnership with corporations, government agencies, conservation organizations and private landowners, partnerships made possible by support of a loyal and dedicated membership.

Kentucky Riverkeeper - & KY Riverkeeper on facebook

  • The Kentucky Riverkeeper was founded on the notion that we can find a way to restore the Kentucky River in the next decade by working with citizen coalitions throughout the watershed.

Watershed Watch of Kentucky -

  • A statewide citizens monitoring effort to improve and protect water quality by raising community awareness, and supporting implementation of the goals of the Clean Water Act and other water quality initiatives.

Conservation Fisheries Inc - & Cfi on facebook

  • Conservation  Fisheries is dedicated to the preservation of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems in the southeastern United States, concentrating on the conservation and recovery of rare freshwater fishes using captive propagation, habitat assessment, and low impact monitoring techniques.

American Rivers - & American Rivers on Facebook

  • American Rivers is the leading organization working to protect and restore the nation’s rivers and streams.  Rivers connect us to each other, nature, and future generations.  Since 1973, American Rivers has fought to preserve these connections, helping protect and restore more than 150,000 miles of rivers through advocacy efforts, on-the-ground projects, and the annual release of America’s Most Endangered Rivers™.  Headquartered in Washington, DC, American Rivers has offices across the country and more than 100,000 supporters, members, and volunteers nationwide.  Through our work in five key program areas - Rivers and Global Warming, River Restoration, River Protection, Clean Water and Water Supply - American Rivers is working to protect our remaining natural heritage, undo the damage of the past and create a healthy future for our rivers and future generations.

Appalachian Voices - & appalachian voices on facebook

  • Appalachian Voices is an award-winning, environmental non-profit committed to protecting the land, air and water of the central and southern Appalachian region, focusing on reducing coal’s impact on the region and advancing our vision for a cleaner energy future.